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[Ellis] Hello there. This is the trailer for Oh What A Time – a new history podcast presented by me, the proud owner of a degree in history, Ellis James.

[Tom] And me, comedian, and history enthusiast – Tom Craine.

[Chris] And me graduate of the University of East London, (it's a real university) – Chris Scull.

[Tom] Each week, we'll be firing up our time machine heading back in time to tackle a brand new subject.

[Chris] From childhood to a life at sea, marriage to fashion, all in an effort to answer the question, was the past as awful as it sounds?

[Ellis] Or was a life without mattresses and central heating actually better?

[Chris] We've actually recorded quite a few episodes. And the thing that really sticks with me is what we learned about a pig that became really intelligent by claiming to have eaten books.


That's the kind of... that's the kind of historical insight that is not getting covered elsewhere.

[Tom] We're not afraid to tackle the big subjects. That's what's great about this podcast.

[Ellis] There's the bit in, in Short Circuit with Johnny Five is sort of up all night reading encyclopedias and stuff, and just saying input input. It was a pig doing this first 100 and 100 years ago.

[Chris] The original Johnny Five.

[Ellis] The original Johnny Five was a pig who ate literature. Exactly.

[Chris] And also, how Vikings went about having a poo.

[Tom] Absolutely.

[Chris] Yeah.

[Ellis] Yeah.

[Tom] Once again, you're not getting this anywhere else.

[Chris] Exactly. I mean, they did it in the same way, by to be absolutely clear.

[Ellis] Yes. Yeah. They just they just had very, very different sensibilities about what was an wasn't acceptable. But to be honest, I mean, as we've established on the podcast, because we've recorded quite a few now, as Chris said, it was a different time. So that's Oh What A Time. Make sure to subscribe and why not give us 5 stars now on the back of this absolutely amazing trailer. I mean, why wait?

[Tom] And if you want to start following the pod on social media, you can find us at Oh What A Time pod on Instagram and Twitter. And if you want to email us, you can do so at

[Chris] So that's oh what a time. The first episode will be out on podcast platforms everywhere on Monday 17th July. So make sure you subscribed. We'll see you then. Bye.

[Ellis] Bye.